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Moe Baddourah for Columbia Mayor

firm commitments

from Moe Baddourah to you:

1. I’ll always listen to you. I’ll listen to your views, concerns, and​ ideas. I believe the best elected officials are those who listen to the​ people, not just other politicians or campaign donors. 

2. I’ll always put people over politics. I’ll put your interests ahead​ of all else. I’ll never abuse public service for personal or political​ gain, and I won’t use my position to create city jobs for friends or​ campaign contributors. My only goal will be serving the people of​ Columbia and improving the quality of life in the city I love.

3. I’ll never become part of the political “favor system” which in recent years​ has had a stranglehold on Columbia/Richland County politics. Our leaders must be willing to rise above politics​ as usual and provide the kind of selfless, servant leadership our city deserves.

4. I’ll devote my energy to the issues that most impact your quality of life. My​ goals include keeping our homes and families safe from crime, improving traffic​ and pedestrian safety, repairing our crumbling water/sewer system, and bringing
desirable economic development -- and good new jobs -- to Columbia.

5. I’ll continue to make public safety my top priority. The recent wave of violent​ crime should serve as a wake-up call: We can no longer deny there is a problem.​ More officers are needed in high-crime​ areas, and we must make sure they have the support they need to do their jobs.

6. As a businessman, I’ll bring a much-needed business person’s perspective to​ the Mayor’s Office. I’ll work to restore common sense and the idea of setting priorities...​ directing our energy and resources where they’re most needed.

7. I’ll conduct myself in a manner worthy of our great city. The people of Columbia​ are the most decent, honest, hard-working citizens you’ll find anywhere.​ They deserve as much in their elected officials. 

Moe Baddourah for Columbia Mayor

Contribute to the campaign!

Click here to make a donation and help elect a Mayor who is committed to genuine public service.

Contact Moe:

PO Box 91006
Columbia, SC 29290

Tel: 803-920-4149

Twitter: @MoeBaddourah


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Moe Baddourah for Columbia Mayor
Moe Baddourah for Columbia Mayor
Moe Baddourah for Columbia Mayor

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Paid for by dozens of your friends and neighbors who want to keep Columbia, South Carolina a great place to live, work and raise a family: The Citizens Committee for Moe Baddourah.

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