firm commitments
from Moe Baddourah to you:
1. I’ll always listen to you. I’ll listen to your views, concerns, and ideas. I believe the best elected officials are those who listen to the people, not just other politicians or campaign donors.
2. I’ll always put people over politics. I’ll put your interests ahead of all else. I’ll never abuse public service for personal or political gain, and I won’t use my position to create city jobs for friends or campaign contributors. My only goal will be serving the people of Columbia and improving the quality of life in the city I love.
3. I’ll never become part of the political “favor system” which in recent years has had a stranglehold on Columbia/Richland County politics. Our leaders must be willing to rise above politics as usual and provide the kind of selfless, servant leadership our city deserves.
4. I’ll devote my energy to the issues that most impact your quality of life. My goals include keeping our homes and families safe from crime, improving traffic and pedestrian safety, repairing our crumbling water/sewer system, and bringing
desirable economic development -- and good new jobs -- to Columbia.
5. I’ll continue to make public safety my top priority. The recent wave of violent crime should serve as a wake-up call: We can no longer deny there is a problem. More officers are needed in high-crime areas, and we must make sure they have the support they need to do their jobs.
6. As a businessman, I’ll bring a much-needed business person’s perspective to the Mayor’s Office. I’ll work to restore common sense and the idea of setting priorities... directing our energy and resources where they’re most needed.
7. I’ll conduct myself in a manner worthy of our great city. The people of Columbia are the most decent, honest, hard-working citizens you’ll find anywhere. They deserve as much in their elected officials.